How to develop leaders, teams, and organizations that perform to their potential.

If you’ve been in charge for a while and it feels like performance and growth are not where you want them to be, you probably know that you are likely headed in the wrong direction.

Every leader, team, and organization eventually hits an inflection point. There IS a solution.

The first step is to take stock of how things are going, why things need to change, and how they would be if things were going well.

A management offsite is an excellent way to engage the top team along these lines. However, to prepare for and facilitate a high-powered executive offsite takes careful planning, data collection, analysis, and design effort.


Most leaders find it difficult to adequately prepare—assuming they even know how—for their offsite. Further, it is nearly impossible for a leader to facilitate and participate in, let alone also lead, their own offsite. A better strategy is to hire experts who use proven approaches, tools, and methods to prepare and facilitate.

Top facilitators work hand-in-hand with the CEO to form a co-operative leadership team that lays the groundwork for achieving full potential to perform and grow. The result is an industrial-strength framework that sets an ideal context for organization change and executive skill development.


The backbone of a well-conceived annual offsite is preparation. Team members contribute data on the organization via anonymous survey and each also prepares to share their view of performance and progress for the entire organization and for their own area.

Doing nothing different makes no sense. If your team has untapped ability and growth potential then organization facilitation, coaching, and development services are the best approach.

Engage top-rated facilitation, coaching, and development services that help teams like yours get to the next level:



The best facilitation is straight-forward, efficient, timely, and it just plain works. Great facilitators empower leaders and their top teams to perform at the highest possible level.

A Case Example

A private-equity owned global IT company, whose CEO had been in place less than a year, earned 80% of its revenue from one product. However, that product was destined to be obsolete within two years due to technology changes. The team had been so busy running core operations that there was never any time to work on getting ready for the future.

IntelliVen partnered with the CEO to prepare for and facilitate a two-day offsite with 15 top executives to make clear that immediate change was vital. Survey data was collected and used to prepare Change Framework templates, reviewed in advance with the CEO, and shared with leaders at the planning session.

At the offsite, sub-groups were formed to work on six core Initiatives using the Initiative-to-Action template. The approach laid a strong backdrop and mandate for change. Innovative ideas for new products were generated, and a plan to change their culture from passive to pro-active began to form.

They don’t do the work for you. Instead, they help you see what needs to be done, get committed to doing it, and then provide ongoing help and support to make sure what you decide to do indeed gets done!

Top facilitators base their approach on practical experience applying world-class organization development concepts to real circumstances and use state-of-the-art analytic tools, electronic surveys, and in-depth personal interviews.

Get Started

Get in touch with to schedule a FREE consultation to review your annual offsite session plan. We will ask questions to push up your thinking and give you our best advice and suggestions at no cost and with no obligation.



How to set direction when the leader is not sure where to head next.

How to Run a Great Annual Leadership Team Strategy Offsite

Leadership Offsite Workshop Sessions

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