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Interview: SVODN Pre-Strategic Leadership Overview Session


Here is a preview discussion of the Strategic Leadership Overview Session sponsored by Silicon Valley Organization Development Network, the Association for Strategic Planning, and IntelliVen. The session covers Manage to Lead using the Seven Truths and  four of the 50+ proven tools that are part of a playbook that guides leaders to manage operations in sync with strategy. Pundits tell us change initiatives are highly likely to under-achieve their stated goals. They also tell us any number of reasons why initiatives fail.  This session is the exact opposite. Strategic Leadership Overview: Manage to Lead using the Seven Truths introduces a plan of action that will make sure any change you want happens, just the way you want. Some wonder: "Do I need to be a better manager?” or “Do I need to be a better leader?" The Seven Truths show how management works together with leadership, so you can: Manage to Lead. KEY TAKEAWAYS: You will learn and actively practice these four proven Manage to Lead Tools and Templates:

  • W-W-W: to get clear about whose problem the organization solves.
  • Change Framework: to be clear about what leaders seek to change, the case for change, and what must be done to improve your odds of success.
  • Initiative-to-Action: to clarify goals; committed management time, attention, and resources; active, continuous stakeholder engagement; and to limit change to produce desired results.
  • Leadership Support Structure: to affect and sustain planned change in terms of governance and getting help.
These tools are part of a larger framework that, collectively with Manage to Lead, give you a playbook that guides leaders to manage operations in sync with strategy, where Operations refers to how to PLAY the game and Strategy refers to how to WIN.

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