The IntelliVen Management Team ALignment Workshop has helped dozens of organizations:

  • Reveal disconnects in team member thinking
  • Align team members
  • Onboard executives, investors, board members
  • Attract, develop, and retain talent, funding, and partners

W-W-W Workshop Sessions Sequence

Workshop Sessions

As described in the Intelliven e-book The Power of Clarity: Maximize Organization Performance with Stronger Strategic Alignment, every organization exists to solve a problem for a customer or stakeholder. But a leading cause of organization performance and execution failures is lack of senior management alignment on exactly what that problem is and who has it.

Unlock the power of clarity in three simple steps that reveal disconnects and then align in facilitated sessions. The WHAT-WHO-WHY Tool and Method are a best practice used by hundreds of top-performing organizations.

Watch this short clip to learn why and how WHAT-WHO-WHY matters in every organization:

The Manage to Lead Immersion Program covers the W-W-W extensively in Module 2. View this extract of MtL Module 2 to learn more and to get a feel for what it is like to participate in an MtL Immersion Program.

You and your top team can start now to get clear with the W-W-W Exercise at this link.

Contact for onsite or remote assistance facilitating WHAT-WHO-WHY Alignment Sessions