How to Drive Sales



Any top executive can systematically generate opportunities to deliver more value. Review and follow the guidance below to learn how:

To Deliver More Value at Current Clients:

  • Assigns someone to pull together intelligence on who to speak with about what in a current client organization to cultivate new opportunities to deliver great value.
  • Conducts Client Development Reviews to assess, govern, and guide sales efforts on the most promising current clients and then follow through on the best ideas.
  • Turn what works into methods and systems to systematically extend and expand opportunities in other current clients.

To Generate New Opportunities to Deliver Great Value:

  • Develop a way to present the best examples of value delivered to current and past clients that you want to do again for new clients in a high-quality form such as a blog, a publishable article, and/or a slide presentation.
  • Do research to identify named individuals, not just organizations or positions, in targeted organizations who would be insane not to become customers.
  • Find or develop a forum in which to share the presentation and invite the targeted individuals to attend a workshop in which a top existing or past client describes the value they received. Follow up with attendees who ask questions and contribute to group discussion to cultivate interest.

Land a new client; deliver with excellence; extend and expand to get all there is where you are; find new work nearby, and then resell to others in similar circumstances what has been done successfully as summarized in this graphic and explained fully in the Related Content.

Listen to this voice-over to these slides for a thorough introduction to drives sales or view the same on this 48-minute recording: