drive change

Manage yourself to lead others.

Leaders use the IntelliVen Manage to Lead system content, work problems, cases, and templates to communicate how their organization sees itself, where it is headed, how it will get there, and what it will do to ensure plan is achieved.

Those who read, study, and practice Manage to Lead: Seven Truths to Help You Change the World know and appreciate that seven leadership truths, and actions that make sense in light of them, when properly applied, lead an organization to perform and grow according to its plan.

The seven truths are summarized below and in this short clip:

Get Clear

Get Clear – Describe the organization in terms of whose problem it solves, how, and how well. Lay out how its finances work for the past two years, now, and two years hence.

Get AlignedGet Aligned – Describe what kind of leader the one in charge has decided to be, who forms the core leadership team, and how followers will be collected.


Plan Change

Plan Change – Describe how things are today, why it is important to change, what will it be like when change occurs, and what will be hard about making the change.

Do & ReviewDo & Review – Set goals, select metrics and set targets, predict what will happen, perform, observe, measure, compare, and determine what happened, why, so what, and now what.

Get HelpGet Help – Build and administer an accountability board and, separately, also an advisory board of experts in what the organization does. Join a peer group. Retain a coach.

FocusFocus – Decide what is most important to do and who should be assigned to do what. Align each team member with what s/he wants to do, is good at doing, and likes doing.

GrowGrow – Develop and drive systems to do, sell, and grow as the organization progresses from concept to start up, credible, sustainable, and mature stages of evolution.

Continuously compare actual results with plan to learn what happened, why what happened was different than plan, what is learned from that, and what to do differently going forward. Repeat and again compare actual to planned results to empower leaders to see their organization plan, perform, learn, and grow to its full potential.


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